More wine please

Wine. Where do I begin? Of my favorite ways to decompress after work is by having a glass of wine (especially while watching Scandal.) Luckily, Northeast Louisiana has a treasure, known as Landry Vineyards. Surprising right?
I visited the winery just to do a wine tasting and ended up taking a tour. Although it was very hot, the scenery was a breath of fresh air. And the wine? Amazing. As a sweet lover I instantly gravitated to the Blanc DuBois, which incorporates just the right amount of fruity flavor (but not as sweet as a moscato.) And if you like a sweet red, the Blackberry Merlot is the best in my book.
In addition to fabulous wine, you can also purchase fresh jam, which goes perfect on toast or biscuits. And if you’re like me and live in Monroe and don’t want to cross the bridge for your weekly wine fix, Brookshires has an assortment of flavors to choose from on the go.